09 Oktubre 2008

The Two Sides of A Coin

Sometimes, you just have to be really vague with the things that you say. You never know if you could really hurt anyone. I've heard some people I bet, probably not even knowing it, but sometimes, you have to have an inkling. It isn't like I was drunk or anything that I would miss that! About a month ago, my site supervisor pulled me aside and told me that she had received some complaints about how I teach. A parent had come up and said that her child had been hearing me say that I am going to kill them, etc. Retarded, I thought. I put it in the back of my head. No biggie. It happens all the time when children do not want to get into trouble, they use scapegoats. It seems like I am the likely scapegoat. Today, was another "warning" to me, and it really sucks because I really enjoy what I do, even if the kids have this crazy attitude about them, I really do love them. We will just have to see where that one will go. Earlier today, though, I ran into Janelle. She had just broken up with Skip and she is taking it pretty hard. I feel awful because no one deserves to feel that way. It was almost like an unrequieted love and it was under that pretense that it existed and now that the truth is out, it hurts, because you never really had it. Janelle had just started coming back to church and she and Skip started dating about 6 months ago. Now she feels a little left out. All of her acquaintances are mostly through Skip and now that that is through, she feels as though she has no one. Nothing. It is saddening. Did I tell you that her twin sister is engaged to be married? Talk about tough. For me today, I have just decided that I am going to do my best and also plan ahead. It is payday tomorrow, i wonder where my money will go!

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